Post War Novel by William Henry Wood. 2019

After Shadows of War is a Post War Novel based upon…

Our memories are haunted by the shadows of our time, the time, in which we lived. For those who survived the first half of the twentieth century, it was the shadows from two world wars that haunted them. Every family had a story to tell, no one was left untouched. Peace when it came was felt by the whole world. Coming out of those shadows, which will never be forgotten, we strive for a better tomorrow. The characters that live on, in this book, are all gone… they were real people; they deserve to be remembered for their efforts, in their time…

I recently submitted this to a publisher for their appraisal and hope to hear back soon. My correspondence is shown below:

Dear Sirs, 24Th September 2020

Please find enclosed a copy of “After Shadows of War” a Boomers book. 

Anyone born in Britain before 1950, their childhood memories are coloured by the stories told by their parents and grandparents who lived through the war years of 1914-18 and 1939-45. My grandmother was a war widow with a young daughter by 1915. She was fortunate to remarry, many women remained widows for the rest of their lives.  My grandfather was a soldier who was lucky to return from the trenches, in 1919. My father was in the 6th Airborne Division and was captured during the Rhine crossing, crash landing in a military glider, he was interrogated by the Gestapo. The wives and mothers stayed behind looking after the family but they too were deeply affected by the anxiety of the war. The fear of the unknown… Seeing a telegram delivered to a neighbour’s house, knowing it could be there turn next. Everyone who lived through that catastrophic period had a story to tell, this book reveals some of those stories. They are human stories of ordinary men and women in extraordinary times.

I have self-published the book in English on Amazon and it is available in the UK in paperback and Kindle format. Both of my grandfathers were William Henry’s and as all of my books are set in their time, I write under the name of William Henry Wood. I submit this book to you for your appraisal.

Yours Sincerely

William Wood

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